(808) 439-8600 info@familymediationhawaii.com

Coparent Pro Version 1


Parents agree and understand that communication between Co-Parents is critical to their Child(ren)’s well-being. Parents shall work together to agree on what information needs to be communicated to the other Parent in a timely manner and, at a minimum agree, that the following shall be communicated:

  1. A child is sick.
  2. A child is missing school.
  3. A child will be spending the night somewhere other than the custodial parent’s home.
  4. A pet belonging to a child is missing, dying, or new.
  5. An individual, other than the parent or subject child(ren), is moving into the custodial parent’s home or property (includes long-term tenants).
  6. An individual other than a parent is transporting a child (those authorized to transport the Child(ren) shall be agreed upon in advance in writing).
  7. An individual other than a parent is caring for a child when the custodial parent is not present (those authorized to care for the children shall be agreed upon in advance in writing).
  8. Discipline of a child during one parent’s timesharing day which may affect the other parent’s timesharing.